Our Founder’s Story

So you want to talk about bricks? 

Here’s how Färg went from concept to company: 

Over the years there have been many repair fixes: caulking, colored mortar, and even mixing together brick dust and mortar to try and match the brick. 

If you have tried any of these tactics you know, not only are they messy, but seldom do they work at truly capturing the true color and texture of the brick.

So, our problem solving started with what we saw every day: the sheer variety of brick colors that make up the buildings and homes we know and love. 

It was imperative that we understand how many colors of bricks there truly are, and from this research we came to know the 8 base colors that each of our products today are formed from: white, yellow, orange, red, green, brown, black and gray. 

Next up on our to do list: what material would work best to patch small holes and cracks? We knew it needed to adhere to any brick surface, harden when cured, match the surface, and hold up in all temperatures.

Our team found a base material that seamlessly worked with our eight base colors, and finally the time came to test. We took this time to work through any type of texture and color combination that our clients may face. This was a monumental task, and by doing so we have simplified the matching of brick colors and textures. 

From its beginning stages, Färg has made sure to hold true to its mission of bringing the everyday homeowner and masonry expert an easy to use product for all of their brick repair needs.

John Montecalvo